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Pastor Christina Emmanuel

Pastor Christina is a devoted servant of the Lord Jesus Christ.


She has faithfully served in ministry for many years before founding Glory & Fire Ministries International (GFMI).


Glory & Fire Ministries International is a vibrant expression of the body of Christ, called to usher in the transformative and restorative power of the Holy Spirit. In God’s glorious presence, lives are radically changed, and freedom is brought through deliverance.


Pastor Christina is a passionate, multi-gifted handmaiden of God—a bold seeker of the Holy Spirit. As a powerful teacher of the Word, she walks in the fire of God’s anointing, operating in prophetic ministry, healing, and deliverance.


She leads a “Holy Ghost and Power Service,” fulfilling Jesus’ mandate in Matthew 10:8 to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, and cast out demons. Her ministry is marked by signs, wonders, and powerful manifestations of the Holy Spirit. With deep integrity and discipline, she is a compassionate woman who carries a heart for the broken, often ministering to those in pain from her own personal journey of healing.


Let all the captives be set free!

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Vision And Mission

We exist to preach the gospel, win souls, and disciple men and women by the transforming power of the word of God and The Holy Spirit, through compassionate and respectful mentoring.


We passionately pursue the power of the gospel to transform lives through sound biblical teaching. At GFMI we are desperate for His presence, desperate for the Holy Spirit. In His presence, all things become possible.


We long for a church where from the child to the adult we become worthy vessels of His glory, fit for The Master’s use. We are Purveyors of His glory and fire.


The heart cry of our church is “More of Him” Every man, woman and child is equipped to impact the world in a positive and meaningful way. Carrying through the Refiner’s mandate. We believe that the spirit of excellence and integrity found in Christ must be visible in all areas of our lives.


In the place of His presence, power is present to deliver, heal, mend, restore and repair lives. At GFMI, the supernatural is our everyday natural.

Image by Pedro Lima
Cross on the Mountain Top

We Believe

We believe the entire bible is inspired by God and the final authority in all things. We believe and live all things Scripture. We believe in The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.

We believe in salvation for eternal life, resurrection of the dead and eagerly await the return of The Lord Jesus Christ.

We believe in the power of the gospel to transform lives, nations and peoples. We believe that the name of Jesus is above every other name, and we believe in the power and efficacy of that name. Encounter christ GFMI is about loving God and His people.


One of the ways to express our love for Him is through our love for each other, and a commitment to helping each person who comes to Become and operate in their God- destiny.
It begins with our vision to see people healed, set free, delivered, empowered and discipled. Discipleship in the Word is a key aspect of life in GFMI.

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Be a part of our Fire Tribe

Join us Sundays for a time of worship. GFMI is passionate in worship, prayer and The Word of God. We consciously make room for the Holy Spirit as the one who is here on earth with us. We believe John 16.7 and we see manifestations of His presence in all our gatherings.


Wednesdays and many other weekday sessions are dedicated to deepening our understanding of the bible, to study, prayers and growing in our giftings. May you touch the fire that stokes our lives and makes us what we are. A people passionate for Him.

We are Glory & Fire by name, by nature and by experience.
Go on, find the fire, as you go through our pages!


It will be great if you join us for a service, make us your home church, listen to our messages, watch our videos, or drop us a line. Or even recommend us to friends and family. Whatever you can do, you are appreciated and blessed for stopping by.
Always and forever in Christ.

Encounter Jesus

The greatest experience of any man’s life will be the joy of knowing Jesus as Lord and personal Saviour. You are about to guarantee your life on earth as a Kingdom stakeholder and an eternity with God. Yes. God so loves us that He gave His only Son Jesus Christ, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:16) How wonderful is that? In this invitation to meet with Jesus you are reconciled to God through Christ and his sacrifice on the cross. All mankind was separated by the sin of Adam. The Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of Gods glory. But….. If 1. You acknowledge that you are a sinner 2. Confess with your lips that he died for you and turn away from your sins 3. Receive and believe in him in your heart 4. You will be saved This is salvation Romans 10 verses 9-10 Now say this prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for dying in my place on the cross to take away my sins. I acknowledge that I am a sinner. I repent and turn away from sinning. I humbly ask that you forgive me and receive me as your own. Thank you for making me a new person. Amen Congratulations If you have just followed the steps above and prayed the prayer, we say “Welcome to the family of the Lord Jesus Christ “ Please provide your details below so we can come alongside you and sign post you to programs that will grow you in this exciting journey of faith

Thanks for submitting!

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